Order Of Worship
Welcome/Announcements/Scripture - Alan Fisher
Songs Of Praise:
Let The Nations Be Glad
My God Is Still The Same
Blessed Be Your Name
Dismiss Kids to Digging Deeper
Sermon -Pastor Jeremiah
Song of Praise:
God Of Wonders
Service & A/V Team:
Music Leader: Nicole Ray
Elliot Bergsagel, Joey Fish, Victor Salazar, Ben Yale, Vicki Hunter, Isaiah Wong, Mary Eiceman, Alan FIsher
Welcome/Announcements/Scripture - Alan Fisher
Songs Of Praise:
Let The Nations Be Glad
My God Is Still The Same
Blessed Be Your Name
Dismiss Kids to Digging Deeper
Sermon -Pastor Jeremiah
Song of Praise:
God Of Wonders
Service & A/V Team:
Music Leader: Nicole Ray
Elliot Bergsagel, Joey Fish, Victor Salazar, Ben Yale, Vicki Hunter, Isaiah Wong, Mary Eiceman, Alan FIsher
Financial Information
Budget through February 15: $43, 135
Spent through February 15: $36,652
Giving through February 15: $37,248
Spent through February 15: $36,652
Giving through February 15: $37,248
This Week At First EFC
AWANA: AWANA Club tonight! See you at 5:15 PM.
The Art of Marriage Class: Meeting tonight at 5:30 PM.
Weekly Youth Group: Youth Group is Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm.
The Art of Marriage Class: Meeting tonight at 5:30 PM.
Weekly Youth Group: Youth Group is Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm.
Coming Soon
Treats for Thailand Fundraiser: March 21 at 6 PM for a dessert buffet fundraiser. More details coming soon.
Seder Dinner Experience: Hosted by Chosen People Ministries on March 25 at First EFC. Reservations Required. Please RSVP to contact@efclascruces.org.
Seder Dinner Experience: Hosted by Chosen People Ministries on March 25 at First EFC. Reservations Required. Please RSVP to contact@efclascruces.org.
Looking Forward
Bridal Shower for Esme Brown: May 4th at the home of Vicki Hunter.
Mission Trip to Thailand: The Global Ministry Team is planning a trip to Thailand for 2 weeks in June. The team will be helping our ministry partners, Jay and Julia Wells, for the first week and then helping with childcare for a missionary conference the 2nd week. Please pray for the team of 9 that will be going.
Mission Trip to Thailand: The Global Ministry Team is planning a trip to Thailand for 2 weeks in June. The team will be helping our ministry partners, Jay and Julia Wells, for the first week and then helping with childcare for a missionary conference the 2nd week. Please pray for the team of 9 that will be going.
Communication At First EFC
Prayer Chain: If you have a prayer request, email prayer@efclascruces.org.
Free and Clear Newsletter: If you would like something published in the church newsletter, please email it to contact@efclascruces.org as early in the week as possible.
Free and Clear Newsletter: If you would like something published in the church newsletter, please email it to contact@efclascruces.org as early in the week as possible.